lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2007


>Take the candle because the procession is long.
>Agarra el ciri que la processó és llarga.
> As shit by irrigation ditch.
>Com cagalló per sèquia.
> Every rock makes wall.
> Tota pedra fa pared.
> The fig of your mother!
> La figa de ta mare!
> That one who is not, does not find himself.
> Qui no està, no s´encontra.
>Give the trompa back to the boy!
>Torna-li la trompa al xic!
> The Mother who goes!
> La mare que va!
> And the father who comes back!
> I el pare que ve!
> Take care, don´t scald.
> Tin cuidao no t'escaldes.
> It rains a little bit, but although it rains a little, it rains enough.
> Plou poc, però pa lo poc que plou, plou prou.
> Throws more a count´s hair...
> Tira més un pel de figa...
> Next nothing says the newspaper.
> Casi res porta el diari.
> What goes forward, goes forward.
> Lo que va davant, va davant.
> Good morning in the morning!
> Bon dia, pel matí!
> And now what are we doing with the stock/hot liquid?
> I ara què fem del caldo?
>Always the same song!
>Sempre la mateixa cançó!
> I would like to see you by a little hole!
> M´agradaria vore´t per un foradet!
> Che, today are we going to see the gunpowderdisplay?
> Che, hui anem a vore la mascletá?
> Reballs how much water is falling down!
>Recollons quina aigua cau!
>The count of your aunt
> La figa ta tia
> I shit in the salad sea!
> Me cague en la mar salá!
> The mother who has give birth!
> La mare que t'a parit!
>Go to do the wank!
> Ves te'n a fer la mà!
> Ai if your you wanted and I left myself.
> Ai si tu volgueres i jo em deixara.
> The thing has testicles!
> Te collons la cosa!

5 comentarios:

Alex dijo...

vaya tela nen! esta currat el temari este, jajajaja. and you go go and you believed! y tu vas y teu creus! mejeje

Jupi dijo...

valla xufa tu ,joano no mos baixes el nivell de langoixa!!

tio reig dijo...

ye joan molt currat el comentari, m'agrada, sta molt ben pklantejat jajajajaja...aixo es una xulleta pals la durem a la de la tasca la premsa!jejeje

Joe Benee! dijo...

ou yea beibi, go and translate it, fucking cool,

Joe Benee! dijo...

por cierto, me gustaria corregir unos aspectos de este articulo, en la frasa, me cagen la mar sala, la seva traduccio correcta seria the salted, repito, SALTED, sea, ya que salad se traduce al castellano o valenciano como ensalada o ensalà.k tengo un 8.9 en el selectivo de ingles tetes, k soy el putu amu.